Monday, November 28, 2011

#Love - "In Memoriam - Claire J. Tremblay (February 27, 1933 - October 1 )

Blessed are mothers...who did without
for us, they shall be rewarded.

Blessed are mothers...who lost sleep
when we were sick, they shall find rest.

Blessed are mothers...who taught us how to
pray, they shall share God's Kingdom.

Blessed are mothers... who comforted
us, they shall be comforted.

Blessed are mothers... who taught us
right from wrong, they shall know justice.

Blessed are mothers... who showed
us by example the Christian life, they shall live

Blessed are mothers... who shared
with us the meaning of peace, they
shall know peace.

Blessed are mothers... who shared
with us the meaning of peace, they
shall know peace.

Blessed are mothers... who taught us
the importance of loving God and
each other, they shall see God.

1 comment:

  1. "God could not be everywhere so He created mothers". Was reminded of this quote on a cup I have at home. I appreciate how you portray your faith through poetry, something that I too aspire to reach. Great piece, Robert. Very Beattitude-ish.


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